$7,000,000 Birth Injury Case
Irvine Mesothelioma Lawyer
A case involving exposure to asbestos under California law is actually a specialized defective product case. Asbestos is a very dangerous naturally occurring mineral that has been reformulated by a specific manufacturer for insulation purposes. In a case related to asbestos exposure an Irvine mesothelioma lawyer should be contacted as the case would proceed based upon specialized rules applicable such cases, such as mesothelioma, which is a very serious and insidious type of cancer known only to be caused by exposure to asbestos. In these cases a personal injury lawyer in Irvine can provide guidance and help those exposed recover damages.
When These Cases Apply
Mesothelioma is an extremely serious life-threatening cancer that is known to be caused only by exposure to asbestos products. Asbestos has previously been used for many years for insulation purposes in industry as well as in residential and commercial buildings. Although the current use of asbestos has been outlawed in California, there are still many buildings that contain asbestos, and when such buildings are maintained, repaired, or modified, specialized asbestos abatement companies are required to remove the asbestos by appropriate personnel, so as not to expose the public to the asbestos fibers.
Who Is Most At Risk of Developing Mesothelioma?
The types of individuals who were exposed to asbestos that can lead to a diagnosis of mesothelioma, many years after the exposure, would include individuals that worked in industry, such as maintenance individuals, union individuals, such as boilermakers, machine workers, and other personnel who used asbestos in and around the area where they worked. Exposure to asbestos has caused serious lung disease, asbestosis, and mesothelioma cancer and therefore warrant contact with a mesothelioma attorney in Irvine.
Does Someone Need to Wait to Get Sick Before Calling An Attorney?
An individual who is exposed to asbestos and has a diagnosis of mesothelioma cancer or an asbestos-related disease should contact an Irvine mesothelioma attorney or law firm who has experienced handling these types of cases upon receipt of such a diagnosis, or if their physician has indicated they have lung issues which are believed to have been caused by asbestos exposure.
Unique Aspects
Mesothelioma cases are exceedingly unique since they are dealing with an individual who was exposed to asbestos most likely many years ago. There is generally a long latency period between the exposure to asbestos and the onset of mesothelioma cancer when it is ultimately diagnosed.
This requires analysis of the individual’s work history and how they were exposed to asbestos years previously, as well as the workplace or location where they were exposed to asbestos. The case would require an analysis of the types of asbestos products manufactured by specific companies in order to determine the product identification of the offending asbestos product.
Mesothelioma cancer is extremely insidious and dangerous since it is generally life threatening and all these factors need to be taken into consideration by an Irvine mesothelioma lawyer for a successful claim.