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Irvine ATV Accident Lawyer
ATV accidents can leave you gravely injured and dealing with incredibly high costs. ATVs cause thousands of accidents every year and can occasionally even cause death. While they can be fun to ride, these vehicles can also be incredibly dangerous. Rollover accidents, defective parts, and other instances of driver negligence may all play a part in an accident. By determining the cause of the ATV accident you could pursue compensation in a lawsuit with a dedicated motor vehicle accident attorney.
For legal help, speak with an Irvine ATV accident lawyer right away. Our team knows how to handle the unique complexities of these cases and fight for valuable compensation.
Common Causes of ATV Accidents
All-terrain vehicles are great for enjoying off-road activities – and many people own them for recreational purposes, while others use them as work vehicles. Due to the way they are used, there is great potential for a major accident. They do not have a cab to protect their rider, similar to the lack of protections offered in motorcycle accidents. This lack of protection can be costly in the event of a major incident. Common causes of ATV accidents include:
- Rollover accidents
- Collisions with other ATVs or motor vehicles
- Distracted driving accidents
- Intoxicated ATV drivers
- Impacts with stationary objects
- Defective parts or tires
All riders should be aware of these potential outcomes and plan accordingly. An ATV accident attorney in Irvine could help someone with filing a lawsuit if their crash leads to identifiable losses.
Who is Responsible for an Irvine ATV Accident?
There are many parties that could be legally responsible for the ATV accident. The most common is other ATV riders or drivers of motor vehicles, whose negligent actions could cause the injured person to flip over, lose control, or inflict some other method of injury. When someone’s irresponsibility is to blame, they should be held financially responsible for the injuries. Other parties that may be to blame include, but are not limited to:
- Private Landowners: Landowners who know of certain risks on an ATV trail may be required to warn of them. If that is the reason for the accident, a premises liability claim may help the injured person win recovery.
- ATV Manufacturer: If the accident is caused by a defective part, the manufacturer of that part may be to blame.
- ATV Rental Companies: Companies that rent out ATVs may be responsible for the accident. Perhaps they rented to someone too young or inexperienced who caused the accident, or maybe they failed to properly maintain the ATV and that caused the collision.
These and certain other parties could be responsible for the crash. A skilled attorney understands how to properly identify responsible parties to file suit against.
Filing Limitations on ATV Accident Cases
Most ATV accidents are subject to the personal injury statute of limitations. California Code of Civil Procedure 335.1 creates a two-year time limit to file a civil lawsuit. This time limit means that any case filed after that deadline is likely to be dismissed without consideration.
Certain cases may extend or even shorten this time period, depending on several factors. The best course of action is to approach a knowledgeable Irvine ATV injury attorney right away to avoid losing the opportunity to file.
Work with an Irvine ATV Accident Attorney to Fight for Justice
ATV accidents have the potential to completely upend your life. You are unprotected by the vehicle itself, relying only on whatever safety equipment you were wearing. Someone else’s negligence could have caused you devastating injuries but a personal injury claim may help compensate you. Let a dedicated Irvine ATV accident lawyer review your situation and provide you with advice on how to move forward. Contact us today.